Pigeon Trophy, 1910

Pigeon Trophy, 1910 Pigeon Trophy, 1910 Link to home page


The thrill of a prize like this trophy attracted many 19th century working-class men to the sport of pigeon racing. Raising pigeons was an intellectually stimulating hobby for those working in repetitive industrialised jobs. It also provided a personal link to the natural world in areas urbanised by the Industrial Revolution.


Humans domesticated pigeons long before this racing trophy was awarded in 1910. Five thousand years ago, wild rock doves were encouraged to roost by the people of ancient Mesopotamia (modern day Iraq). The descendants of these birds became pigeons, bred for communication, food and entertainment, and found across the world.


This pigeon trophy was awarded to Edward Le Comu as a member of the Newcastle & District Homing Pigeon Federation. The 1910 trophy is silver plated and was manufactured in England by Kay & Co Ltd. This company was established in Worcester in 1890 and sold its products across the world via mail order catalogues.


This trophy was awarded for the sport of pigeon racing. By train or truck, birds were sent between 100 and 1000 kilometres from home wearing a numbered rubber ring and then released. When they arrived home, the ring was placed in a specially designed clock that recorded the time of arrival. The winner was decided by determining the average speed of each pigeon.
Pigeon Trophy, 1910 Link to YouTube music video
Pigeon Trophy, 1910 2020/58
Pigeon Trophy, 1910 Pigeon Trophy, 1910
Industry The thrill of a prize like this trophy attracted many 19th century working- class men to the sport of pigeon racing. Raising pigeons was an intellectually stimulating hobby for those working in repetitive industrialised jobs. It also provided a personal link to the natural world in areas urbanised by the Industrial Revolution. Domestication Humans domesticated pigeons long before this racing trophy was awarded in 1910. Five thousand years ago, wild rock doves were encouraged to roost by the people of ancient Mesopotamia (modern day Iraq). The descendants of these birds became pigeons, bred for communication, food and entertainment, and found across the world. Trophy This pigeon trophy was awarded to Edward Le Comu as a member of the Newcastle & District Homing Pigeon Federation. The 1910 trophy is silver plated and was manufactured in England by Kay & Co Ltd. This company was established in Worcester in 1890 and sold its products across the world via mail order catalogues. Sport This trophy was awarded for the sport of pigeon racing. By train or truck, birds were sent between 100 and 1000 kilometres from home wearing a numbered rubber ring and then released. When they arrived home, the ring was placed in a specially designed clock that recorded the time of arrival. The winner was decided by determining the average speed of each pigeon.
Link to home page Pigeon Trophy, 1910 Link to YouTube music video